Hurling Semi Final

Hard luck to our hurlers who lost out to St. Attracta’s yesterday in their semi final. Well done to all on a great season!  

Clothes Swap Night 2023

Holy Trinity recently held a clothes swap night as part of our 50 year celebrations. This was a fundraising event where the local community brought clothes in to the school as part of a swap and exchange night. On the night, past pupils and locals attended along with current and former staff. We had music,… Read More »

International Week 2023

It’s International Week in Holy Trinity. This week we celebrate all the different cultures in our school. We have held assemblies, had food tasting and even had fashion shows. Have a look at some of the fun below!

Hurlers strong start

Well done to our hurling team who have started the season in strong form with 3 wins in the opening games. Well done to all players and mentors!

Soccer match!

Well done to our 6th class boys soccer team who put on a great controlled performance vs St Lawrence NS Baldoyle!

2023 so far…

2023 has been eventful in Holy Trinity so far. We have had many events and trips in 2023 so far including Science Blast, football tournaments and visits to historical buildings and museums, have a look below!  

Nollaig Shona Daoibh Go Léir

Merry Christmas everyone from all at Holy Trinity! Have a look at some of the events which took place in Holy Trinity over the Christmas period! This included a concert from singer Lea Harte, a visit from Paddy na Nollaig, our Christmas shows, our Santa Dash an our Christmas raffle. Thank you to everyone involved… Read More »